The Repository of Unanswered Questions [2009]


Lark Lane Competition [2009]

L a r k  L a n e,  L i v e r p o o l

Probably the only worthy work that came out of a collaborative competition entry by myself, Matthew Howard and Jonathon Phillips. Not surprisingly our work didn't get a mention as the developers were more interested in chrome and purple LED clad wine bars and underground car parks. 

Our drawings concentrated on celebrating the dramatic cultural shifts of the street as a result of immigration from the Commonwealth and establishing a new connection with Sefton Park which was originally so segregated from the working classes. 

Place of the Dispossessed [2009]

The Electrician's House [2008]

W o o d  S t r e e t,  L i v e r p o o l
When the merchants vacated their warehouses in the early 19th century on Wood Street the first resident of this site was an electrician. Liverpool has a series of firsts in relation to electricity including the worlds first electric overhead railway and the impact of electric lighting on people lives and the workings of a city was obviously huge. So proposed for the site was a exhibition space dedicated to the impact of electricity on Liverpool.

Form inspired by the natural creation of electricity in lightning. The circulation through the exhibition would occur through the existing fabric of the warehouse which consisted of two facing masses. Circulation would occur in opposite directions in each mass to represent the opposing charges in storm clouds. A void in the centre would separate the existing masses and the 'jumping' roof structure would represent the electrical charge generated by the polarity difference in the charged masses on each side. 

The roof's angles would be used to track sunlight throughout the seasons as well as each day to direct natural light into the most central space symbolising the gift of light the original light bulb would have given to an internal space with no source of natural light. 

First Year [2008]


Exploration of the 9m x 9m 'Knowledge is Power' cube in the Promenade project. Creating as protracted a route as possible and only revealing certain vantage points along the way. Constantly spliced and pulled between the cathedral and university its original geometry becomes harder to read.

T h e  M i s a n t h r o p i s t ' s  L o f t h o u s e

Concealed behind 'pure and neurotic' Modernist lines is a sinister observatory for the Misanthropist where they indulge in their misguided reflections on humanity, recording all their provocations in a photography studio before having to cleanse themselves at the end of each day.


As if there weren't enough students designing art galleries this was a fixed brief at the end of first year. Still, an attempt at a small gallery where the flow of people around the space, the spectacle of this journey and peoples reaction to the art collectively becomes an installation in itself. Questioning if it is the architecture supporting the art or vice versa and the role of small galleries in the city.

Architectural 'Promenade' [2007]

First individual design project to consider a 'promenade' between the Liverpool Met Cathedral and Liverpool School of Art & Design. My naive design considered the acquisition of knowledge and navigation through the philosophical themes: 'Knowledge is Power' (Bacon), 'Real knowledge is to know the extent of ones ignorance' (Confucius), and the acquisition of knowledge as a subconscious constant. These themes respectively each corresponded to a cube of dominance, void and flow. The Cathedrals relationship to the school deliberately convoluted. Pretty basic stuff. 

Water Temple [2007]

Humble Beginnings: Our group model of Tadao Ando's Water Temple. Was a forced precedent study the best introduction to the world of architecture? I think it took most people a while to recover from this method of thinking.